Our handsome red splitwood handle basket is all decked out in holiday splendor, and packed with a sweet sampling of Ghirardelli's greatest chocolate creations. There's plenty inside to discover and enjoy, and the sweet excess will keep your recipients smiling for days. We've included: two gift bags of Ghirardelli squares (mint chocolate & dark chocolate), truffle cookies, a caramel chocolate bar, hot cocoa mix, and an assortment of Ghirardelli chocolate squares. We top it off with a festive bow, and add silk greenery and accents to make sure this Christmas present is a memorable one (Please Note That We Reserve The Right To Substitute Any Product With A Suitable Product Of Equal Value In Case Of Non-Availability Of A Certain Product)
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Time chosen above is treated as a preference/request and is not a fixed time for delivery". We only guarantee delivery on a "Specified Date" and not within a specified "Time Frame
If the occasion is on 17th July then select 16th July as the date of delivery. We will deliver the product on 16th July - Night between 11 PM - 12:30 AM
* All our customers are requested to note that the "Time chosen above is treated as a preference/request and is not a fixed time for delivery". We only guarantee delivery on a "Specified Date" and not within a specified "Time Frame".
* In order to add the Add-On products to your shopping cart with the product shown above, click on the empty box shown below the add-on product that you wish to add and press "Order Now" button above.